To replace the existing jetty of the Rubis Terminal in the port of Rotterdam with a new one, suitable for both seagoing and inland vessels. The works included the installation of a new embankment, dredging and protecting against erosion, as well as the design and construction of the jetty.
What we do
Our scope, which included deploying both our infra and dredging expertise, included:
- Demolition of the former Carbon Black Jetty and the construction of a new jetty for seagoing and inland vessels
- Supply and construction of approximately 150 m anchored quay wall with capping beam
- Supply and construction of 113, prefab concrete poles #400/#500 vertical and under angle 4:1
- Dredging works to deepen the inland shipping area and slope protection
- Construction of the ramp and platform including earthing and railings
- Supply, piling and assembly of 5 mooring and breasting dolphins
- Supply, piling and assembly of the breasting beam for seagoing ships and inland ships, as well as crash barrier including fendering, QRHs etc.
- Project was realised as a “bouwteam” (extensive collaboration between the client and contractor)